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The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

8:30 am – Holy Communion

10:00 am – Holy Eucharist

Rev. John strongly encourages you to read the Gospel passage from John 11: 32-44. What does it tell us that our Lord and Saviour Jesus wept for his friend Lazarus?

Rev. John would like you to Google or YouTube the hymns for this All Saint’s Sunday Service. {if possible, of course}

Opening Hymn: For All The Saints

Gradual Hymn: Rejoice Today With One Accord

Offertory Hymn: For the Bread Which You Have Broken

Closing Hymn: Where Charity and Love Prevail

 Coffee & Fellowship

Following the 10:00 am service, please join us in the Library for coffee and fellowship hosted this week by Glenn & Linda Mizener and Ron & Mary Jane Hunter.

Coffee Hour Hosts

Looking for Coffee Hour hosts for December 2024 and into 2025. Please fill in your names on the Sign Up Sheet in the hall outside the office. If you are interested in helping to host Coffee Hour following the Service, we will pair you up with someone who is a host. Please consider this important ministry in the Church so we can gather for fellowship. Thank you to all our current coffee hour hosts for your Ministry. It is greatly appreciated.

Financial Givings to the Church

The following are ways of giving financially to the Church:

Through Envelopes

E-Transfer to

Through our updated Website – Select: Give