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The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost. There will be a Service at 8:30 am being Holy Communion and a Service at 10:00 am being Holy Eucharist. Rev. John encourages you to read the Gospel passage from Mark 4: 26-34. Why do you think Jesus used parables to explain who he was, what he was doing, and what was going to unfold?

The Warden on Duty will be Kate Williams. Please Google and listen to the lovely hymns that Sharon has chosen. At the beginning of the service I will be delivering the back story to the second hymn which was written by William Cowper:

You Are the Salt of the Earth

God Works in a Mysterious Way

Almighty God, Thy Word is Cast

God Who’s Name Knows No Ending.

Coffee and Fellowship will be hosted by JoAnn McKay and Rev. Canon John Anderson following the 10:00 am Service. 

Please fill in your names as Hosts for the coffee and fellowship hours on the Sign Up Sheet in the hall outside the office for July and August. Please consider this important ministry in the Church so we can gather for fellowship. Thank you to our hosts, they are greatly appreciated.