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Good afternoon sisters and brothers;
Our beloved black cat Zazzles has been gone now for over half a year. We found her wandering by herself in the municipal recycling station and brought her home to Dunblane. She was a tiny and scared little kitten when she first arrived. She spent 12 happy years at the farm knowing that she was loved. 
The day Zazzles had to be put down was a very difficult one. I brought her home from the vet's office and buried her in our wild meadow in the memorial circle. When I walked back to the farm house, I found a white cat sitting on the steps. A perfectly white cat. It was very skittish, and ran away. But after weeks of patience and love, our magical white cat, whom we called Link, finally allowed us to pet him. The rest is history. 
Link came with us on all our walks. He and Frijolito became best friends on these walks. On many of our night walks, he reminded us of a unicorn in the moonlight. He was that magical.  Link allowed us to grieve for Zazzles and he became a healing balm for our souls. He was divinely sent. 
On Saturday Link was hit by a car on the highway. I buried him next to Zazzles in the wild meadow. They now belong to the ages, side by side. 
I am writing this as a way of coping with my grief. 
Please remember that our animal friends are a gift from God. 