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Good afternoon sisters and brothers; 

We had a very moving Good Friday service at Christ Church. As is our custom, those in attendance left the sanctuary in silence. As I was driving home to Dunblane, I marvelled at the beauty of the day. Bright sunshine and a deep blue and cloudless sky. 

Good Friday services always leave me emotionally drained. This morning was no exception. After I got home, Nina recited an Easter poem that she had written back in 1990. I want to share it with you because it is simply stunning. 

Easter Experience

And I have told you thrice I was not there.
A million miles in both time and space
Between me and the garden lie. Despair
At glory burnt upon another's face 
And not on mine. Miracles of such design
Are gone with hidden steps to upper rooms
And many weighted stones can still confine
Though smaller now and place on lesser tombs. 

Across dead hours I've sought a risen Lord.
Can time hold one who has always been?
That moment's now. It snaps a temporal cord
Unbinding evidence of things not seen.
"With but a single prayer, invoke my name
To find the stone consumed by holy flame." 

May you have a peaceful evening, a restful weekend, and an uplifting Easter Sunday .

Diosito me los colme de bendiciones y alegria siempre 


I love you 
