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Buenos días hermanas y hermanos;

Yesterday afternoon Nina and I went on our customary run. Each week we try to go a little further. My goal is to eventually be able to run 30 kilometres without a break. Our runs afford us an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of God's creation, or as I like to call it, God's outdoor cathedral. 

The picture included was taken early this morning. The sun was shining brightly and there was little or no breeze. Yesterday, however, was a different story. It was overcast as we ran down the Wabash Road, and the wind was quite strong. Up above us, the turkey vultures were struggling against the wind. It was fascinating to watch as they changed direction with a mere shift of a feather. At one point, three turkey vultures seemed suspended in air, hovering in one spot looking down at something on the ground. And in an instant, they suddenly  soared away at tremendous speeds. 

Bear Creek runs mostly parallel to the Wabash Road, so we catch lovely glimpses of life at the creel bank during our runs. Yesterday as we approached the culvert, we detected something standing silently in the water. As we slowed down, we saw a Great Blue Heron standing perfectly still, hoping not to be detected. It was quite tall and striking, and we were close enough to where we could see its eyes which were locked on us. And as we came to a stop, it took to the air majestically, trailing water behind it. These birds have always reminded me of Pterodactyls, with their long wing spans and effortless way of flying. And as we watched our feathered friend climb higher in the sky, we heard something in the water. 

We noticed ripples in the water, and saw something swimming towards us. At first we thought it might be a muskrat, but as it drew closer, we realized it was a very young beaver. It saw us, hesitated for just one moment, and disappeared beneath the surface of the water with a splash of its paddle-like tail. We ran to the creek bank to see where it had gone, but it was nowhere to be found. Beavers are elusive creatures, and it is such a thrill to spot one. 

And as we continued on our run, we realized that life at the creek bank will soon get busier. The turtles will come out of hibernation, the frogs and toads will spawn, and the banks will be carpeted with wild flowers of every type and colour. And as we leave the cold and dark of winter in the rear view mirror, Nina and I look forward to insect haunted summer evenings where iridescent dragonflies hover effortlessly over the water  and the call of the cicadas and frogs fill the air with melodic energy. Not to mention when the fireflies return and dance with the constellations in the night sky. 

Life at the creek bank is good, no matter the season of the year. But there is something special about spring, the lengthening days, rebirth, trees waking up after their winter slumber , butterflies floating in the breeze.  

God's creation is simply amazing. 

I close with a poem / prayer about spring by Robert Frost. 

"These pools, that, though in forests, still reflect
The total sky almost without defect, 
And like the flowers beside them, chill and shiver,
Will like the flowers beside them soon be gone,
But up by roots to bring dark foliage on. 

The trees that have it in their pent-up buds
To darken nature and be summer woods.
Let them think twice before they use their powers
To blot out and drink up and sweep away
These flowery waters and these watery flowers
From snow that melted only yesterday."  

Robert Frost 

The written word and the arts are inexorably connected to the Holy Spirit. I challenge any of you who has the soul of a poet to pick up paper and pen and write a poem about spring. You can do it!! Let the spirit lead you. 

Let us pray 

Lord, grant us the wisdom to care for the
earth and till it. Help us to act now for
the good of future generations and all 
your creatures. Help us to become
instruments of a new creation. Founded
on the covenant of your love. 

Diosito me los bendiga 


I love you 

God bless our little reflection group. 
